Administrative Core
The C2DREAM Administrative (AD) Core will provide strong, equity-guided governance, administrative, and communications infrastructure; coordinated data collection of innovative measures of racism at multiple levels and shared implementation processes; innovative research assessing the multifactorial relationship between structural and interpersonal racism, intervention efficacy, and chronic disease-related behavior change; innovative programming that connects trainees, researchers, community stakeholders, and policy makers in knowledge sharing and application for change; and equity-oriented rigorous evaluation to assure center impact.
Ensuring we create the most impact.
The AD Core will foster C2DREAM’s regional impact in several important ways:
1. Provide the infrastructure, governance, and leadership to ensure that all C2DREAM components operate efficiently across the region.
2. Leverage innovative means to assess racism at multiple levels.
3. Augment activities offered by other Cores to creatively support the productivity of early-stage researchers.
4. Apply robust equity-grounded multimodal evaluation methods to inform flexible adaptation of our approaches and ensure we achieve the Center’s goals, and promote exportation of lessons on the most effective elements for use by other P50 centers.
Contact: c2dream@umn.edu